Join us
We offer women a wonderful opportunity to get together, learn to be better singers, sing a variety of 4-part unaccompanied songs, perform at various events and competitions and most of all, have FUN along the way! In October 2024 we welcomed our new Chorus Director, Gill Irwin who has brought a wealth of experience in barbershop-style singing and expert direction.
Our Musical Style
Many of the arrangements we sing are in the barbershop style, where the melody is surrounded by harmonies above and below, creating wonderful overtones. These arrangements are constructed so that the four parts support and reinforce each other, locking together to produce a characteristic ‘ring’ which is quite distinctive to the style. Visual presentation is important, so we learn every song by heart. The four parts are:
Leads - Generally sing the melody but with brief forays into harmony.
Tenors - Sing a high harmony part above the melody. Tenors need to be able to sing the high notes with a ’sweet’ tone that doesn’t distract from the melody line.
Basses - Sing the lowest notes, always below the melody. Basses don’t have to be loud, but they do develop a full, rich tone.
Baritones - Have roughly the same vocal range as the Leads (maybe not quite so high) and their notes may be either above or below the melody. It is technically the most challenging part but is also very satisfying.
​​Location and Time
We meet every Wednesday evening between 7.15 pm and 9.45 pm at The Morley Green Club, Mobberley Road, Wilmslow, SK9 5NT. ​
Performances and Competitions
The Chorus performs public engagements for a variety of functions, often around Christmas time. We are members of the Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers (LABBS) taking part in their annual conventions which are hosted in different venues `around the UK. Previously we’ve competed in SABS (Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers) and travelled to Jersey for joint concerts with local choirs. We also perform locally with other choirs, and take part in music festivals, most recently winning the Choral Recital competition at Hazel Grove Music Festival. ​
So how do you join?
Please get in touch if you would like to come along and experience one of our rehearsals. We also hold Open Evenings from time to time so you can experience singing in our Chorus first-hand. The ability to read music is not essential.
You’ll be given an initial voice review to determine your appropriate voice part and you’ll be provided with a music score and teach tracks to help you learn. When you’re ready, you’ll be asked to audition, singing your part in a quartet with three experienced members of the Chorus to the Chorus Director. Once you’ve passed your addition, you’ll be given the folder of music with the current repertoire and accompanying teach tracks. You’ll have the full support of both your section leader and other Chorus members.