For the past six years, Barbara has been at the heart of Cheshire A Cappella, guiding us with unwavering dedication, kindness, and passion. As our Chair, she has led us through many challenges and triumphs, ensuring that our chorus not only survived but thrived. Now, as she steps down from her role, we want to take a moment to celebrate her incredible contributions and express our deepest gratitude.
Barbara has steered Cheshire A Cappella through three different Music Directors, each bringing their own unique style and approach. Her steady leadership ensured smooth transitions, always keeping the best interests of the chorus at heart.
Of course, no reflection on the past six years would be complete without mentioning the unprecedented challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. When the world came to a halt, so did in-person singing, but Barbara never let our chorus lose its spirit. She helped navigate virtual rehearsals, kept morale high, and ensured that when we could finally sing together again, we emerged strong and ready to embrace the joy of making music once more.
Much of Barbara’s hard work has taken place behind the scenes—organising, planning, and making sure everything runs smoothly. Whether coordinating events, keeping communication flowing, or tackling the countless details that keep a chorus running, she has done it all with diligence and dedication.
While Barbara is stepping down as Chair, we are delighted that she will remain an active and valued member of Cheshire A Cappella. We are also excited that she will be working on developing an archive, helping to preserve the rich history and memories of our wonderful chorus.

Barbara, from all of us at Cheshire A Cappella, thank you for your incredible leadership, tireless effort, and everything you have done for us. We are forever grateful and look forward to continuing to sing alongside you for many years to come!