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Welcome to our New Musical Director

We are delighted to have Sue Ward as our new Musical Director. She will take over the fabulous work of Kate Shipway, who moved on to new pastures.

Selfie of the new Musical Director of Cheshire A Cappella, Sue Ward.
Sue Ward, New Musical Director of Cheshire A Cappella.

As a member of the Bass section, Sue Ward is already a well known and respected member of Cheshire a Cappella and brings a solid Musical Director experience.

Sue has been around Barbershop since 1992 when she met her husband just as his chorus won the gold medal. She used to sing along with the men, usually the lead with bits of tenor and eventually joined Crystal Chords in 1999.

After a few years, she became Bass section leader and then assistant MD to Angela Lewis, the founder of Cheshire A Cappella.

When Angela left Crystals, Sue took over for the next 12 months, jumping in at the deep end. She gained many experiences, most memorably directing at the International Eisteddfod in Llangollen, taking the chorus to Prague, and winning the Manchester Amateur Choral competition (The MACC).

Sue immensely enjoyed being "out front" and applied to be the MD of Harmony Revival, Stockport Mens' Barbershop club, she was in charge there for four years.

Since leaving the men, she continued singing with Crystal Chords and then joined Cheshire A Cappella in 2018, after bringing the club into Labbs.

Her home life is a lot quieter than it used to be as she is now retired, and she enjoys time looking after her grandchildren.

Cheshire A Cappella is very proud to have Sue taking up the reins. We all look forward to having fun and harmony with her!


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